How to Leave Your Stylist
I’ve made people laugh in NYC doing Kate Talks, one of which contained How to Leave Your Stylist. The motivation for the talk originated from my frustration with women who can't leave their niece's best friend's client roster for fear of hurting her feelings, even though she hates her hair.
I gave a clear list of attributes a good stylist needs to have in her arsenal:
up-to-date training
an "eye"
an ability to understand what she's seeing and translate it into good application for your hair type, hair health, face shape, color and lifestyle.
So what to do if she has demonstrated for the past 20 years that she doesn't possess these things?
Leave gracefully. This isn't easy, especially for women. They’ll sacrifice themselves endlessly to spare someone else's feelings or chicken out and disappear without a word. Probably gossiping first.
How many times do you need to repeat experiences where you've skipped the class, left someone without explanation, gave an RSVP and didn't show up? Now you have to pretend (she) isn't at the party, walking past you in the grocery store or living on your street.
It takes seconds of courage to do the right thing. Say what you mean, mean what you say, don't say it meanly, and say it in ten words or less.
Let me flip the picture for you. Imagine how the stylist might feel walking into a party or gallery opening by herself and people pretend she’s not there. (Isn't that how the group tried to kill Ayla in Clan of the Cave Bear?) Don't do it, it's unkind, unconscious, bad karma, and plain old shitty.
Astrologically speaking, the great planetary conjunction that happened during winter solstice 2020 and moving into the New Year is happening in Aquarius. And Aquarius is air. The element of air is associated with the mind and communication.
So if you believe astrology has an influence, then it should be easier to have the moral courage to tell your stylist you want to experiment elsewhere. Thank her for what you shared/what she gave, and wish her well. A quick note will suffice.
STYLE TIP: If you always do what you've always done, you're going to get what you always got. Be kind and be brave. You’ll feel gracious and gracious is beautiful.
Let me show you how beautiful you are
ps Click HERE to see the BOGO SALE going on in my E Commerce and live stores til Sunday! In order to get the buy one, get one half off, text me to execute the sale for you.